Friday, August 9, 2024

The Altar : The moral basis of existence : Each human being is a word uttered by Christ, the Veda made flesh


Rudolf Steiner:

"This place in a person where matter becomes destroyed is at the same time the place where matter is created again, when morality, when religious perception, glows through us. What is created here simply by our perceptions through moral and religious ideals, this is like a seed for future worlds. If the material world perishes, when the material world has been destroyed in the heat death, then this Earth will be transformed into another world body, and this body of a world will be made from the moral ideals created into material forms. Because our science is not capable of penetrating deeply enough into matter, it is not capable of grasping the thought that matter itself is an abstraction. We may speak about the thermal death of the Earth, but at the same time we have to speak of what is cast off from plants, in wilting and drying out, and about the seed surviving into the next year; even as we can speak in relation to the heat death, we can speak about the seed which remains to us and survives the world death.

There is a sphere where scientific truths end; mere scientific truths in the sense of today, where moral ideals end being bubbles of foam, when the Earth will expire in the heat death. There is a region, accessible to man, where moral ideals are received when physical matter is destroyed, a sphere where the Word becomes a natural-scientific truth: "Heaven and Earth will pass way, but My words will not pass away!" There is a sphere where the Bible becomes science.... For Anthroposophy, spiritual science is not only what can be grasped on the other side of materiality, but is something whose processes penetrate matter."

Lead me from the unreal to the real.

Lead me from darkness to the light.

Lead me from mortality to immortality.

Source: September 27, 1921. GA 343. Foundation Course, pp. 63-64

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