Friday, August 23, 2024

Anthroposophy: Pulsating Inner Life


Rudolf Steiner:  "We — and that includes all who are engaged in the pursuit of anthroposophy — are the instrument, however humble, of the spirit active in world karma, the spirit responsible for what karma does. To feel thus at one with the spirit of world karma is a feeling that should again and again bring together everything we are able to consider in the light of anthroposophy. It can give inner calm when we need it, inner harmony when this is needed, and inner strength, power, endurance, and energy when those are the qualities required. When the truth of spiritual ideas of the world comes to us, those ideas become pulsating inner life and an energy we can feel and sense. This can be alive in us when our thoughts soar to the highest levels we are able to reach, and also in every demand, even the meanest, made in our everyday work. This is something we can refer to when we need consolation in life. Genuine morality, genuine moral strength, will come for humanity only if we direct our inner attention to true spirituality, the true life of the spirit."

Source: The Fifth Gospel, 2nd ed., 1968, Rudolf Steiner Press, p. 90. GA 148. Berlin, October 21, 1913

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