Saturday, May 25, 2024

Racketeers: The Scum of the Earth

Rudolf Steiner [October 21, 1921]:  "It is superficial and abstruse to say: 'Earth will become Jupiter.' We only gain insight into the process if we know that the physical substance of the Earth will melt away into cosmic space; it will turn to dust. The tissue woven around it out of our feelings will be the future Earth; it will grow denser and denser and become the true Jupiter planet. Today, geologists dig down into the deeper layers of the Earth and uncover strata that evolved a long, long time ago. In future, on Jupiter, it will be possible to investigate the layers that have evolved there. All kinds of strata formed of human feelings and thoughts will be found. A Jupiter geologist will clear away one layer after the other, for instance, and just like a geologist on Earth will say: 'This is the Lower Permian; these are Tertiary strata,' so our Jupiter geologist will say: 'Ah, here is a layer going back to the early 20th century, as they called it on Earth. It is the layer produced by the thoughts and feelings of all the racketeers who lived almost everywhere on Earth then.' Just as we speak of the Silurian system today, for instance, they will be able to speak of the 'racketeer system' in time to come. There will be other layers as well, of course, and these things are absolutely real."

Related post: Evil

Source: October 21, 1921

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