Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Communion : I and Not-I : Host and Monstrance : Spirit and Nature : Sun and Moon : Ha-Tha Yoga


Rudolf Steiner:  "Enliven everything which you can experience around you; imbue it in a sunny way.... In the nourishment for the way, in the Host, I have something with which I can unite. In what surrounds the Host I have an image of the weakened rays of the Sun. Through communion there must appear in me what appears in the experience of the weakening, which I sense in moonlight, which I couldn't feel as a direct Sun process, otherwise I would be blinded. In between both these is the communion: I place myself in the world context. What the Sun and Mooon have to say to one another, this is what is found in human beings; the human being stands right in it and enlivens it through communion."

Related post: Moon and Sun

Source: September 30, 1921. GA 343. Foundation Course, pp. 172-174

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