How ample to rely
In Tumult—or Extremity—
How good the Certainty
That Lever cannot pry—
And Wedge cannot divide
Conviction—That Granitic Base—
Though None be on our Side—
Suffice Us—for a Crowd—
Ourself—and Rectitude—
And that Assembly—not far off
From furthest Spirit—God—
Since Anthroposophy exists for the purpose of calling forth in people the feeling for a genuine life of the spirit, it is indispensable when the demand arises for a threefold social organism. Accordingly, the two should go together: furtherance of Anthroposophy and furtherance of the threefold social order.
But people, especially today, are tired in mind and soul. They actually want to avoid coming to original thoughts and feelings, interested only in maintaining traditions. They want to be sheltered. They don't want to turn to Anthroposophy, because they don't want to stir their souls into activity; instead, they flock in great numbers — especially the intellectuals — to the Roman Catholic Church, where no effort is required of them. The work is on the part of the bishop or priest, who guides the soul through death. Just think how deep-rooted it is in today's humanity: parents have a son whom they love; therefore they want his life to be secure. Let him work for the government: then he is bound to be well looked after; then he doesn't have to face the battle of life by himself. He will work as long as he can, then go on to pensioned retirement — secure even beyond his working days. How grateful we should be to the government for taking such good care of our children!
Neither are people so fond of an independently striving soul. The soul is to be taken care of until death by the church, just as work is provided by the government. And just as the power of the government provides the physical man with a pension, so the church is expected to provide the soul with a pension when a man dies, is expected to provide for it after death — that is something that lies deeply in present-day man, in everyone today. Just to be polite I will add that this is true for the daughters as well as the sons, for they would rather be married to those who are thus “secure,” who are provided for in this way. Such seems to be the obsession of humanity: not to build upon oneself, but to have some mystical power somewhere upon which to build. The government, as it exists today, is an example of such a mystical power. Or is there not much obscurity in the government? I suspect much more obscurity than in even the worst mystic.
Rudolf Steiner: "There are people who stand before us in a strange way; they stand there as if surrounded by a crystal body, in the middle of which they live. And all inappropriate, unsuitable thoughts bounce off this crystal sheath. Those are people who understand how to lead a meditative life, who understand how to regulate their lives from within."
When we are in contact with the cosmic All and see the emergence of the crystals out of the manifestations of the crystal-mineral kingdom, we feel a sense of satisfaction. But very soon that state of anxiety and fear which I have already mentioned, returns again. Before discovering the divinely ordered world of crystals, we had been filled with fear. When we are aware of that divinely inspired world, this feeling of uncertainty vanishes; but after a time a strange sensation overtakes us and the fear returns, the feeling that the whole process of crystal formation is unsubstantial and provides only partial support.
Rudolf Steiner: "These lotus flowers must be present if a person wishes to have the capacity for transformation, for the latter involves these organs unfolding their petals away from the human self and encompassing the world of spirit, leaning into it. The transformational capacity we develop expresses itself for clairvoyant perception in the unfolding lotus flowers. The strengthened sense of I that one develops is an inner stability which we could call an elemental spine. We need to have both: lotus flowers, so that we can transform ourselves; and something resembling a spine in the physical world, an elemental spine, so that we can develop our strengthened I in the elemental world."

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"Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." — Matthew 16:18 |
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