Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Untruth: the sin against the Holy Spirit

"Wisdom lies solely in the truth."  —Goethe

"I am the way, the truth, and the life."

"Wisdom lies solely in the truth" was the motto of the statutes of the Anthroposophical Society from 1913 to 1923.

Rudolf Steiner:  "We need more strength because regrettably the souls of most people are asleep with regard to the truth we are hoping to bring to them here; the souls of most of the people very soon again forget the immense gravity which lies behind these things once they have been told about them. So this is what I want to mention here as a matter of principle. Please, my dear friends, try to use the few weeks in which I shall probably not be lecturing here to meditate earnestly about the power of a sense for the truth and about the immense corruption emanating from the sense for untruth which is so intensively pervading the world. Please believe me when I say that human thoughts are genuine forces and that untruths, however small, are fatal for what one must call the Spirit which fosters the evolution of the Earth."

Dec. 7, 1919