Monday, September 30, 2024

Blessed are the swamis


The literal meaning of the word "Swami" is "master of self"

"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the Earth."
— Matthew 5:5

Rudolf Steiner:  "And what of the astral body? When men of an earlier day endeavored to suppress their emotions and passions and the egoism of their astral nature, they sought power from the Kingdom of Heaven: they submitted themselves to processes by which the harmful instincts of the astral body were destroyed. But the time had now come when through the act of Christ man had received power into the ego itself by which he could bridle and tame the passions and emotions of his astral body. So the new truth concerning the astral body must read as follows: ‘Blessed are those who have become meek through the power of their own ego, for they will inherit the kingdom of Earth!’ Profound indeed is the thought contained in this third Beatitude. Let us examine it in the light of occult science. The astral body was incorporated into man's being during the Moon evolution, and the Luciferic beings who had gained influence over him had established themselves especially in this body. Therefore man from the beginning was unable to reach his highest earthly goal. These Luciferic beings, as we know, remained behind at the Moon stage of evolution, and hindered man from progressing in the right way; but since the descent of Christ to Earth, when it has been possible for the ego to be impregnated with His power, man has been enabled to fulfill the mission of the Earth by finding in himself the power to bridle his astral body and drive out the Luciferic influences. Therefore it can be said: ‘He who can curb his astral body, who is so strong that he cannot be moved to anger without the consent of his ego, he who is even-tempered and inwardly strong enough to overcome the  astral body, will fulfill the purpose of earthly evolution.’ So in the third Beatitude we have a formula which spiritual science has made comprehensible to us."

"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance."  — Galatians 5:22-23

Source: September 9, 1910 GA 123

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