Monday, March 4, 2024

What the world needs now is Anthroposophy


Rudolf Steiner:  "This quest for the spiritual slumbered for the short span of a few centuries, a period that brought us the outward magnificence of science. But now, once again, the human being stands at the gate opening on the supersensible, and is knocking at it, since natural science alone cannot further advance the human soul. Only modern Mysteries will quench the thirst that lies consciously in a few but unconsciously in a great portion of humanity. If we have true intentions toward the world of spirit, we will behold the human will for new Mysteries that is quite assuredly coming to birth, for spirituality will only return to humankind if new Mysteries arise in which people can discover the spirit in a more conscious, light-filled way than  was true in the ancient Mysteries. Through such Mysteries they can be led back in a more developed, more perfect way to the divine world of spirit and thus to the very source of their full humanity."

Source: May 26, 1924. GA 84. The Aims of Anthroposophy, pp. 200-201

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