Sunday, September 9, 2018

Namaste: I revere the Christ in you

Rudolf Steiner

Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.  ~Hebrews 12:14

Rudolf Steiner

from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales:

Though so illustrious, he was very wise
And bore himself as meekly as a maid.
He never yet had any vileness said,
In all his life, to whatsoever wight.
He was a truly perfect, gentle knight.

Rudolf Steiner:
"To be tolerant means in the sense of Spiritual Science something quite different from what one usually understands about it. It means also to respect the freedom of thought in others. To push others away from their place is an insult, but if one does the same thing in thought nobody would say this is an injustice. We talk a lot about “regard for the other’s opinion,” but are not really willing to apply this principle ourselves.
The “Word” today has almost no meaning, one hears it and one has heard nothing. One has to learn to listen with one’s soul, to get hold of the most intimate things with our soul. What later manifests itself in physical life is always present in the spirit first. So we must suppress our opinion and really listen completely to the other, not only listen to the word but even to the feeling. Even then, if in us a feeling will stir that it is wrong what the other one says, it is much more powerful to be able to listen as long as the other one talks than to jump into their speech. This listening creates a completely different understanding — you feel as if the soul of the other starts to warm you through, to shine through you, if you confront “her” in this manner with absolute tolerance.
We shall not only grant the freedom of person but complete freedom. We shall even treasure the freedom of the other’s opinion. This stands only as an example for many things. If one cuts off someone’s speech one does something similar to kicking the other, from the point of view of the spiritual world. If one brings oneself as far as to understand that it is much more destructive to cut somebody off than to give them a kick, only then does one comes to understand mutual help or community right into one’s soul. Then it becomes a reality."

Rudolf Steiner:
"We should be grateful to people if they treat us badly, because then we can exercise our forces of tolerance. We should try to love these people anyway, and we’ll then notice that this is the right thing to do."

Rudolf Steiner:  "The well-being of a community of people working together will be the greater where there is less egotism. To realize this, one is therefore dependent on finding people who are able to leave behind all selfishness. However, this is practically impossible as long as people’s welfare is determined by their work situation. Whosoever works for himself or herself must eventually fall into selfishness. Only the person who labors solely for others can slowly become more and more selfless. There is one condition however. When a human being works for others, he must find the motive for his labor in the other; and when someone works for the human community as a whole he must feel and experience the value, the essential importance, and the idea behind all this."


Washed in the Blood of the Lamb are We
Awash in a Sonburst Sea
You—Love—and I—Love—and Love Divine:
We are the Trinity

You—Love—and I—We are One-Two-Three
Twining Eternally
Two—Yes—and One—Yes—and also Three:
One Dual Trinity
Radiant Calvary
Ultimate Mystery