Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.


"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen."

— the concluding words of the Bible

Rudolf Steiner:

Let us now consider once more the ancient communities — extending from the tribal community to the nation. How may these human beings, who are not yet individually free, be drawn together? Imagine to yourselves that everyone who is sitting here has become truly free — that the Spirit of Truth lives in each one! Would we, in that case, ever quarrel, ever fall into dissension? No — for where the Spirit unites us, there can be no divergence of opinions. In ancient times, external law had to hold sway, in order to hold human beings together. Where two human beings know the Spirit of Truth, they will, because of this, feel themselves drawn to each other.

At the beginning of human evolution was the Law: at the end of evolution there will be peaceful, harmonious cooperation from within. Esoteric Christianity calls this, in contrast to the Law — Grace. To be able to share, in complete harmony, the feelings of one's fellow-man: this is the profoundest concept of Christianity.

The astral body that has been filled with the Holy Ghost is the same in all men — the Spirit of Truth, in each one, is the same. Imagine to yourselves this Spirit within a human individuality in which also the Christos has been awakened — that is to say, that principle which is active as Life-Spirit within the Life-Body. If each one of us were to permeate his etheric body with this feeling, we should then have, in every heart, the feeling for the One, unified Spirit. Human individualities are brought together by the Wisdom which is common to all; and what each one feels within himself is Caritas — Grace.

The One who brought Grace to Earth was He Who, at the beginning of our era, contained within His own individuality the whole Christos — the One Who fulfilled, for the first time, the principle of humanity as a whole. Christ Jesus developed in Himself what should live in every single human being. Whatever exists through freedom and peaceful cooperation has come into the world through Him.

"Become alive again in Christ and kill the Spirit of discord," says Paul.

A human being may sin against everything which is not contained in this Spirit. But, if he were to sin against this Spirit of a common humanity, if he were to deny this Spirit — he would no longer be a Christian.

The human being must reach the stage of being conscious of the Spirit. If he develops himself, ever more and more, his consciousness-body becomes transformed into the Holy Ghost. It is for this reason that the Sin against the Holy Ghost cannot be forgiven. 


Washed in the Blood of the Lamb are We
Awash in a Sonburst Sea
You—Love—and I—Love—and Love Divine:
We are the Trinity

You—Love—and I—We are One-Two-Three
Twining Eternally
Two—Yes—and One—Yes—and also Three:
One Dual Trinity
Radiant Calvary
Ultimate Mystery

Source: The Sin Against The Holy Ghost

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