Sunday, June 25, 2023

Science is the ghost of wisdom. Inhale Sophia, Exhale Pistis


Rudolf Steiner:  "Working from the inside out, the 'I' becomes speech; working from the outside in, it becomes the human form."

Rudolf Steiner:
People no longer experienced exhalation as tiring. Instead, when they exhaled, they felt strength or energy pervading their body. This strength inside the human body was pistis, or faith, the feeling of divine strength that allowed one to work.
sophia = the spiritual content of inhalation, paralyzed by sense perception
pistis = the spiritual exhalation process, paralyzed by bodily sensations
Thus, wisdom and faith flowed together in the human being. Wisdom streamed toward the head, and faith lived in the entire body. Wisdom was the content, or ideas; faith was the power of this content. The two belonged together. That is why the only Gnostic work that has come down to us from antiquity is entitled Pistis Sophia. Sophia, wisdom, is diluted inhalation; pistis, faith, is condensed exhalation.
In later times, wisdom continued to be diluted until it became science,. Similarly, inner strength continued to condense until people felt only their body and lost the awareness of what faith, or pistis, actually is. Because they no longer sensed the connection between sophia and pistis, people began to separate understanding based on outer sense perceptions from subjective, internal belief. First there was sophia, then scientia, or ordinary science, a diluted form of sophia. We might also say that sophia was originally an actual spiritual being that humans experienced as inhabiting their head. Today, only the ghost of this spiritual being remains, because science has become the ghost of wisdom. Actually we should fill our souls with this statement as if with a meditation: Science is the ghost of wisdom.
And, on the other hand, what we call "faith" today is not pistis, the inwardly experienced faith of antiquity. "Faith" has become a subjective element closely bound up with egoism. It is a condensation of the faith of ancient times. Before faith became condensed, human beings had an objective sense of the divine element in themselves. Today faith rises up only subjectively, so to speak, like smoke from the body. Just as science is the ghost of wisdom, so to speak, faith is a condensed heavier version of the faith that people once experienced.
If we succeed in seeing the relationship between faith and wisdom, we will not make superficial judgments such as "Anthroposophy is a system of beliefs, not a science." People who say this do not know what they are talking about. They are unaware of the connection between faith and wisdom, ignorant of the historical fact that they were once experienced inwardly as one. In our circles, we must present history as it is presented nowhere else. Where else do we hear history talked about in this way? Where else do we hear what breathing once meant to human beings when it was a totally different experience from what it has become today? A formerly very real element of spirit and soul has become very abstract; conversely, the ensouled body has become robustly material. Where else can people become aware of these historical changes?


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Source: March 21, 1922. The Sun Mystery, p. 10

Source: March 26, 1922. GA 211. The Sun Mystery, pp. 44-45

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