Wednesday, March 29, 2023

"Do I dare to eat a peach?"



Rudolf Steiner:  "Language originates in the totality of mankind, and the more mankind still senses the language, so much more will there be movement in his speech. It is extraordinary how for instance in England, where the process of withdrawal of a connection with the surroundings is most advanced, it is regarded as a good custom to speak with their hands in their trouser pockets, held firmly inside so they don't enter the danger of movement. I have seen many English people talk in this way. Since then I've never had my pockets made in front again, but always at the back, for I have developed such disgust from this quite inhuman non-participation in what is being said. It is simply a materialistic criticism that speech only comes from the head: it originates out of the entire human being, above all from the arms, and we are — I say it here in one sentence which is obviously restricted — we are on this basis no ape or animal which needs its hands to climb or hold on to something, but we have them as free because with these free hands and arms we handle speech. In grasping with our arms, creating with our fingers, we express something we need in order to model language."

Source: September 29, 1921. GA 343. Foundation Course, pp. 145-146

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