Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Our muscular system is our crystallized karma


Rudolf Steiner:  "One sees the whole of one's personified fate in such a way that one feels it in most intimate connection with one's body, with one's earth-man, and indeed in such a way that one knows directly: The manner in which your muscles are constructed in your earthly body, the whole form of your muscular system, is the creation of this your fate, your karma. Now comes the time when one says to oneself: How different Maya or Illusion is from reality! As long as we are on the physical plane we think that this man of muscle consists of fleshly muscles; in reality these fleshly muscles are crystallized karma. And they are so formed in man, so crystallized, that, even to the finest chemical formation man bears his crystallized karma in his muscular system. So strongly is this the case that the spiritual observer sees quite clearly that when for example a person has exercised his muscles so that they have taken him to a place where an accident happens to him, it happened because in his muscles lay the spiritual force which drove him of himself to the place where the accident occurred. The cosmic order has crystallized our fate within our muscular system. In our muscular system lives the spirit crystallized for the physical plane, which without our apparent knowledge leads us everywhere, directing our coming and our going in accordance with our karma....
   Just as our will is inwardly connected with the mechanism of our bones, our feelings are inwardly connected with our muscular system. This muscular system is the symbolical expression of our feeling-system. In order that our muscles can be constructed as they are, permitting of expansion and contraction, so as in their turn to set the mechanism of the bones in motion — in order that this can come to pass, the whole planetary system is necessary. We learn this when we find ourselves in our astral body. In our muscular system lives the whole planetary system, just as the whole cosmos lives in the mechanism of our bones.

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