Sunday, January 30, 2022

Holy Fervor, Sacred Zeal


Rudolf Steiner: “How do we grow ever more spiritual? Not by absorbing as many thoughts from the world as possible, for these thoughts only reproduce our sensory and physical surroundings in images. We do not enhance our spirituality, our mental powers, by pursuing all the sensations life offers, but only by our inner will-directed work upon and within these thoughts. Thus meditation too does not involve giving oneself up to a random play of thought associations, but instead placing a few, easily surveyed, easily tested thoughts at the center of our awareness. And the stronger and more intently we shine this inner will within the element where thoughts exist, the more spiritual we become.”

Source: Lecture of December 19, 1920, in Universal Spirituality and Human Physicality: Bridging the Divide (CW 202), page 152

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