Thursday, November 8, 2018

Helping Hands

Rudolf Steiner: 

"All those who clearly understand that they have been born into the circle that they themselves prepared through their previous karma must be overcome by calm peace, and contentedness with their lot in life. They must also know that they must faithfully fulfill their destiny; and that they are to exhaust through their activity the entire range of their destiny. In this way they have achieved an area of knowledge through their own experience; and then they can work on expanding their own path in order to create better and loftier conditions of existence in the future. Thus in loving understanding they will extend a hand to their brothers and sisters below them, who are attempting to climb higher on the ladder of beings; for they once stood on the same branch and wrestled themselves higher with their hands extended upward to the bothers and sisters who had climbed ahead of them."

Related post: My yoke is easy : My dharma is penance

Source: Concerning the Astral World and Devachan, p. 126