Monday, July 29, 2024

Piercing the Veil of Maya : The Yoga of Anthroposophy


Rudolf Steiner:  "The Maid of Orleans is therefore a personality already working entirely in the spirit of our own epoch, when everything that we can produce on the foundation of our outer impressions must be directed upward to the spiritual. But what does this mean when we apply it to our own culture and civilization? It means this: We may direct our attention, naïvely to begin with, to our environment, but if we stop at that, if we have eyes for the outer impressions only, then we are not fulfilling our bounden obligation. We fulfill it only when we are conscious that these impressions must be related to the spiritual powers behind them. When we pursue science in the manner of academic scholarship we are not fulfilling our obligation. We must regard everything that we can learn about the laws of natural phenomena and the laws of the manifestations of the life of soul as though it were a language which is to lead us to a revelation of the divine-spiritual. When we are conscious that all physical, chemical, biological, physiological, psychological laws must be related to something spiritual that is revealing itself to us, then we are fulfilling our obligation. So it is in respect of the sciences of our time — and so it is in respect of art...."

Rudolf Steiner:  "And thus in the far future we see two powers confronting each other: on the one hand those who swell the population of the great Babylon, and on the other hand those who rise above matter, who as human beings unite with the principle represented by the Lamb."

Source: December 29, 1910   GA 126

Source: June 29, 1908

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