Wednesday, September 18, 2019

"I am come to send fire on the earth"

The concluding words to Foundations of Esotericism by Rudolf Steiner: 

"Whatever one may experience, one can look with complete trust toward the future. For just as the crystal first develops out of an alkaline solution only after it has been vigorously stirred, so also something new can only develop after great upheavals."

"I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled? But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished!"  — Luke 12:49-50

Rudolf Steiner:  "Today there are already enough people whose hearts bleed to see these conditions — which, though necessary, will only take effect in the right way if we fully understand them. The impulses for new universal action must be consciously drawn from our heart's blood. What arises by itself is alienation of individuals from each other, and in response we must consciously endeavor to let flow what is needed from human hearts. Difficulties await every single soul in the fifth post-Atlantean epoch, and only by overcoming them will we meet and engage with the trials through which the consciousness soul can be developed."

Rudolf Steiner:  "It is the present task of those peoples who, as representatives of a civilization, are the first to whom Anthroposophy has to be brought, to accept all that is connected with Christ Jesus, and to recognize that without the Christ Impulse all men would have become mere “pillars of salt”. We can use these physical terms, for the Christ Impulse goes into the physical — right into the healing of the physical. Christ has become the great spiritual Phosphorus working to overcome the salt-forming processes in man. Christus verus Phosphorus — this phrase could be heard on all sides in the first three centuries of Christianity."


Washed in the Blood of the Lamb are We
Awash in a Sonburst Sea
You—Love—and I—Love—and Love Divine:
We are the Trinity

You—Love—and I—We are One-Two-Three
Twining Eternally
Two—Yes—and One—Yes—and also Three:
One Dual Trinity
Radiant Calvary
Ultimate Mystery

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